The Raven CMI Project

The Collins Family obtained the property associated with this project in Southwestern Virginia coal country about 40 years ago. During the original assessment of the parcel, involving extensive drilling and preliminary exploratory excavation, high-quality metallurgical coal deposits were revealed. Since then, substantial testing and engineering have been performed.

The property offers access to both surface and deep mining of the Raven # 1 Seam. The Raven is the largest virtually untapped boundary of clean-burning compliance coal known in the entire western hemisphere. It is a premium low Sulphur, low ash, high BTU, and Metallurgical Coal. Some of our older core sample data is from the outcrop area and shows the effects of water contact oxidation, but as you move under the mountain, the seam is clearly Metallurgical. Historically the Raven seam has been used as coking coal for steel production and as an enriching coal for mixing with less environmentally friendly or lower BTU-rated coal. 

Mr. J. E. Collins, Dr. T. Collins father, who worked as a Foreman in the coal mining industry, later went on to become a coal industry lobbyist in Washington DC. Tim’s father, prior to his health issues and death, developed a complete long-term mining site plan for the property which was fully permitted by the State of VA for 3 deep mining entrances in 1987. The permit lapsed due to his health and other circumstances. The parcel, however, has not changed and is now wholly owned by a Non-Profit Foundation, Inc. a corporation founded and controlled in its entirety by his son, Dr. T. Collins, and his family.

Development of this project is projected in two phases, I. Surface Mining, and II. Deep Mining.

Scope of Opportunity: Multiple large Coal buying groups globally are currently seeking to engage us to contract 100% of the coal extracted from this Project.  This coal type is very valuable and in great demand because of its general use properties and its unique mix properties.  In short, there are buyers for ALL of the coal from this project. 

Currently, we have serious additional uses, technologies, and partners presenting themselves for further development of Coal to 1) Carbon Soil Nutrients, 2) Graphene, 3) Methane Gas to Diamond, and 4) Rare Earth Element Extraction from the same seam.

Phase I - Surface Mining:

The Development opportunity presented here relates primarily to Coal as Coal for traditional uses and needs.  Phase I of development would require an initial small surface disturbance for facing up the project for long-term deep subterranean mining. The boundary is so large that the mine could be profitable for more than 100 years.  

The completion of Phase I is the key to Phase II. This type of operation must happen in sequence and its viability has already been proven and successfully completed on a related parcel by the Collins family in the late 1980s.

Parcel A:

Parcel A is 4.5 acres. Under current corporate ownership, VA state law allows coal extraction incidental to land improvement without special permitting. This tract can be initially permitted for general land improvement to remove approximately 4 acres of coal by lowering the elevation of the land to match the lower road on the south side of the property.  The property has been geo-tested for elevation and by lowering the grade we will be able to remove all the coal in the initial preparation area for the larger project.  This space will be a production area to facilitate Phase II deep mining. 

The 4 acres of land improvement for commercial development, according to engineering reports, will yield approximately 9000 to 9500 tons per acre (average 9250) for an average of 37,000 tons. This boundary of coal rests beneath only 10-15 feet of soil and stone. All the original drilling and core samples demonstrated that the project could be completed with little effort using standard earth-moving equipment.

There is no acquisition cost related to Parcel A. It is owned in fee simple and controlled by the Non-Profit Foundation, Inc. the Charity founded and managed by Dr. Collins, and is available for immediate development.

Phase I – Financial Summary:

Disclaimer: Financial and legal decisions should be made with the advice and counsel of a CPA or Attorney of your choice. No specific financial performance is guaranteed. Earnings are subject to market conditions and project success; thus, participants should only use disposable income.

Parcel A:

Land Acquisition $0 (All "necessary" property is owned free and clear in fee simple. However, if initial capital raise allows, the working footprint can be increased for ease of operational management.)
Permits, Bonds, & Land Improvement $2.5MM
Coal Quantity 37,000 Tons @ $250/Ton (Steam Prices, if outcrop is oxidized)
Total Income $9.250MM - 25% Cost ($62.5 per ton) - Land Improvement
Conservative Net Projection $7.5MM

Phase I Opportunity: Phase I will allow the quick removal of coal subject to land improvement generating additional development revenue and opening the door for Phase II.  This project will be done without a permit, in the same way, a large regional youth camp, "Camp Bethel", in Wise, VA recently engaged in land improvements and built cabins, the same way "The Herald Community Center and Church" in Coeburn, VA was built; and the same way Morgan McClure Chevrolet on US Hwy 58 was developed.  The Non-Profit Foundation has worked with these projects and the development model was originated by Dr. Collins' father.  Recently this methodology was recommended by DMME, the Division of Mines Minerals and Energy, without knowing it was being considered or that the Collins family pioneered the strategy.   

The Deal Structure: Development Funding will be raised through a Carbon Mineral Investment (CMI) Unit purchase program viewable on the webpage "" that demonstrates how CMI Unit purchases from presale can provide a 20% gain.  

Distribution: Phase I profits will be reinvested into the Deep Mine operations in Phase II.  

Timeline: Phase I Parcel A can be completed in approximately 120 days from funding.

The Larger Opportunity: Phase I prepares the site and opens the door to deep-mine development with vast potential (More than $1.5 Trillion in Net Revenue).  In reality, this represents just the tip of the iceberg of the potential of this project.  These numbers address the "coal" opportunity only (currently selling at $375 per ton), there remains the unaccounted-for revenue potential in Carbon Soil Nutrients made from coal ($1,500 per ton), Flash Battery Grade Graphite from Coal ($10,000 per ton), Bacterial conversion of Graphite to Graphene from coal ($50,000 plus per ton), CVD Diamonds from Coalbed Methane ($750 - $2000 per carat), and extracting Rare Earth Elements from this type of Metallurgical ($ 1M per ton).  

Phase II – Deep Mining:

Phase I prepares the property for Phase II, Deep mining. Phase II focuses on the development of the only known available and truly workable access points to the Raven # 1 Seam of Coal. Except for our small outcrop boundary, the bulk of the raven seam is deep under the mountains of Virginia and Kentucky and can only be reached through deep “long wall” mining. 

In as much as this seam is one of the largest untapped seams of compliance coal left in the Western Hemisphere, it is worth the effort to open the door to its massive potential. Energy needs, environmental pressures, steel production, and graphene feedstock have created a great need for a substantial supply of Compliance coking coal on the market. 

The enormous Raven # 1 Seam, an abundant cleaner burning coal consisting of low ash and sulfur and burning at around 13,000 BTU, is hot enough to make steel a much-needed commodity and even more promising as a feedstock for graphene production. 

Virginia law specifically gives continuous unlimited Deep Mining rights from legitimate Access Entrance.

Deep Mining Formulas and Financial Facts:

  • The Raven is known to cover approximately 1800 Square Miles or 1,152,000 acres of metallurgical coal.
  • The Average proven depth of 1 Acre of coal is 5.5 feet, or 9570 tons per acre.
  • With a conservative average of 9000 tons per acre (the change from 9570 to 9000 takes into account any discrepancy or fractional variance in the seam as opposed to the exact mathematical calculation of 9570) X 1,152,000 acres is approximately 10.368 billion tons of coal.
  • 10.368 billion tons of coal X 80% recovery (80% is possible) X $375 spot market price X 50% Cost of Extraction (Current costs are closer to 26.68%) = a conservative $1.555 trillion net.  
  • As aforementioned, this figure does not consider conversion to Carbon Soil Nutrients ($1,500 per ton), Graphite ($10,000 per ton), Graphene ($50,000 plus per ton), CVD Diamonds from Coal-Bed Methane, or extracting Rare Earth Elements ($1M per ton).
  • A one percent (1%) recovery of this seam for standard uses would result in $15.55 Billion net.

The Raven # 1 Deep Mining:

The capital raised under this initiative is to prepare ad develop the access portal for full long-term deep mining and more.  

  • Available Coal: 9,153,000,000 tons
  • Potential Net Income at 50% recovery of the seam: $777.5 Billion
  • The Cost of Deep Mining Operation is scalable and subject to the capital raise.  Equipment, Engineering, Insurance and Bonding, and Basic Infrastructure can occur at the primary site for approximately $10MM, however should the capital raise be larger the project can add its own washing and haulage operations, open additional entrances on the property and run 24 hour shifts at each access portal, and increase the footprint for the operation for ease of material management.  
    • Comprehensive Summary of additional Coal opportunities:
      Acquire Brown and Hagen Holdings:  $10MM
      Bring Both Seams online at 2nd Site:  $15MM
      Wash Facility:  $8.5MM
      Wash Plant Upgrades, Bonds, Staffing, Miscellaneous Equip. & etc.:  $2.5MM
      2nd Rail Site & Funk Holdings:  $2.5MM
      McReynolds & Addington Holdings:  $1.5MM
      $50MM Total 
  • Additional Opportunities include 10 production streams for $175MM:
    • Micro ground coal to Rare Earth Elements
    • Coal to Organic Fertilizer
    • Coal to Graphite
    • Graphite to Graphene Oxide
    • Graphene Oxide to Refined Graphene
    • Coal Bed Methane to Diamond 
    • Coal Bed Methane to Green Hydrogen 
    • Hydrogen to Green Energy
    • Green Energy to Data Center (Crypto Mining / AI Processing / Data Storage)
    • Multiple Carbon Credit Streams ($260B)
  • Minority Partnership in Carbon Credit Firm $5MM
  • Minority Partnership in Graphene Battery Company $5MM

Attachments and Exhibits 

Table of Contents for Supporting Documents:

  1. List of Supporting Documents 
  2. Regional Aerials and Maps 
  3. Coal Quality Reports 
  4. Engineers Report 
  5. Site Plan and Permit Support Documents 
  6. Proof of Ownership 

Aerials and Maps of Parcel A & B, Tom’s Creek Prep and Loading facility, and the Power Plant: 

Mining can occur on Parcel A alone, with historic permits to verify the same. The proposed acquisition of Parcel B is not required but would simplify and expedite development significantly.

Tom’s Creek Coal Prep Station (AKA: SW VA Coal Processing and Coal Loading Facility) is one of the largest in the United States and directly connects via rail to the Norfolk Coal Export and Loading Operations. The site also has a Rail Road Loading Facility with washing, crushing, and storage services on site, and is less than 4 miles from the proposed mining site.


Tom’s Creek Coal Prep (cleaning) and Rail Road Loading Facility:



Virginia City Coal-Fired Power Plant:

This is the new $2B Dominion Power Coal-Fired power plant that supplies 150,000 homes, provides emergency power to Washington DC, and burns more than 425,000 tons of coal each year.

There are two power plants close to the mine site; this is the largest and is only 11.2 miles from the mine.


Coal Quality Reports, next images:




Engineer’s Report: 

This report was written when the Minerals were in JEC Corp., Dr. Collins' dad's corporation (JEC = J. E. Collins). At this time in history, the coal sold for $60 per ton and cost $30 to mine.  Today the coal sells for $375 per ton and costs about less than $125 to mine.

5. The Original Permit:

Site Plan and Permit Supporting Documents:






Proof of Ownership Documents Below:

Deed Receipt:


Deed Cover Sheet Referencing Dr. Collins:


Notarized Deed: